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Financial education

Financial education

Preparing families for homeownership
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Becoming a homeowner is a large endeavor for everyone involved. It takes a lot of hard work and determination, but we continually meet people like you who are up for the challenge.

We want to do everything we can to help prepare you for the day you receive your keys, and well beyond. One way we do that is through financial education.

As part of the required sweat equity portion of the Habitat homeowner process, we believe that financial education leads to a greater investment in the home. Additionally, it builds a more solid foundation for long-term personal success. Household finances are a source of stress no matter the size of your income or family, and we want to help alleviate any concerns or barriers on your path to homeownership.

Much like having a safe, affordable place to call home will boost your sense of well-being and pride, being able to take control of your finances will give you confidence and momentum to dream bigger. It starts with a house, but where it goes after that is up to you.

During these financial education classes, we’ll cover topics such as budgeting, credit cards and credit reports, debt and loans, saving, investing and planning for the future, emergency situations, as well as Habitat homeowner mortgages. Gaining a more in-depth understanding of these important concepts will become part of a tool belt you can use to build a better future.

Are you ready to work on your finances? Find out more about the homeownership process, or contact us for more information. 

Contact us

Mailing Address:
Habitat For Humanity
Mid-Yellowstone Valley
685 King Park Dr.
Billings, MT 59102

Frequently asked questions

Is financial education required?
Yes, to become a Habitat homeowner, you must complete our required financial education program. Even if you feel like you have a good understanding of personal finance, we believe there is always more to learn. Our proven system of practical advice and techniques has benefited thousands of others over the years, and we know that you will feel more prepared and proud of your accomplishment after completion.
How long does the financial education process take?
Local offices conduct their classes differently. You will be provided with this information and much more as you begin the homeowner process, but please feel free to contact your local Habitat for more specific information.
What else is required as part of sweat equity?
Sweat equity can include the physical work you’ll do on your own home, helping build the homes of others, working in one of our ReStores, taking Habitat classes, and more. Learn more about sweat equity.


Families who partner with us build their own homes alongside volunteers, pay an affordable mortgage and are grateful for your help.
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Habitat For Humanity Mid-Yellowstone Valley | Billings Montana

ReStore Business & Donation Info:

Restore Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday & Monday: Closed
Donation Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am to 5:30pm

Administration Office Info:

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm

Mailing Address:

Habitat For Humanity
Mid-Yellowstone Valley
685 King Park Dr.
Billings, MT 59102
Billings Habitat Equal Housing Opportunity
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